Aabco Plumbing
Call with any plumbing/clogging issues.
Aabco Plumbing: 636-925-0800
Primarily, you can contact Karen Green at Granada Condominiums
Granada Condominiums
8748 Santa Bella Dr.
Hazelwood, MO 63042
(314) 521-5849
Call with any plumbing/clogging issues.
Aabco Plumbing: 636-925-0800
Call with any power outages or electrical issues.
Ameren Missouri: 314-342-1000
Call with any natural gas issues.
Laclede Gas: 314-621-6960
Can handle things such as having the bus stop or other *city* property cleaned or maintained.
Tom Manning, City Works Director
314-839-3700 x5030
Hazelwood Action Line: 314-837-1236
Code Enforcement can be contacted for any outside code infringements.
John Matz - jematz@hazelwoodmo.org - 314-513-5063
Joe Novy - jfnovy@hazelwoodmo.org - 314-839-3700 x5066
Hazelwood Animal Control can be contacted for any animal-related issues.
Mark Zener - 314-565-1354
Our primary contact at Hazelwood is Don Routh. He heads the volunteer program as well as neighborhood watch.
Sgt. Donald Routh
Phone: 314-513-5208
Fax: 314-264-7430
E-mail: derouth@hazelwoodmo.org
General calls can go to 314-838-5000 (hit 1)
In the event of an emergency, dial 911.
Fire Station #1 731-1100
Fire Station #2 731-3424